Sunday, August 5, 2012


This is my first post.  I'm not certain which direction I'm going to go with my blog, so, please hang in there with me.  I am sure that I will have lots of great ideas of fun things to do with your children. Also I will talk about beauty, fashion and the home.  All loves of mine wither new loves or old. 

As a former Child Care Provider I have tons of ideas to do with little ones and am finding new ones all the time.  I have two boys that are five years and two and a half years old.  I just closed my In Home Child Care and Early Learning at the end of April.  As I do miss the kids, I don't miss being tied to the house all day and being so tired to not feel like I am giving enough to my own family.

I"m looking to get on track with loosing a few pounds and being that Mom that my boys will be proud of.  My husband has already lost 120 lbs over the last couple of years. He looks amazing!!! I, on the other hand, like a lot of you ladies out there, have been playing the yo-yo game with my weight loss.  I had lost 30 lbs by Christmas last year and have gained 10 back. I have a hard time budgeting my time, my attention span and dedication waiver when it comes to working out.  So I'm always trying to find a way to fit in a few quick things here and there. So, I'm sure I will be talking a bit about that. 

I love doing things with our home but have been stalled for the last few years because of lack of time and energy with my child care. So I hope you will join me in our adventure of transforming our home from tired and cluttered to fresh and organized (let's hope my Hubby will join me on that adventure, too.  LOL!).

So I guess the first order of business is our YARD SALE. If you are struggling like I was check out this post and let me know what you think.

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